Union Army Cipher Wheel - Escape Room Puzzle Union Army Cipher Wheel - Escape Room Puzzle

Union Army Cipher Wheel - Escape Room Puzzle

Creative Crafthouse
In stock

This Cipher Wheel in conjunction with the Confederate Army Cipher  are perfect for Escape Rooms with a turn of the century, Civil War, or War themes. As with all of our other Escape Room items the Union Army Cipher can be customized / personalized to reflect your Escape Room's Logo and/or fit into your Escape Room's theme.

Precision cut and laser engraved this is a beautiful handmade version of the Union Army's Cipher Wheel. Used during the American Civil war it primarily relayed flag signals where there was line of sight or encrypted for morse code messages.

Please see the dropdown box for standard engraving (customizing) options. For more detailed work please Contact us .

For additional information on customizing your Escape Room and this item please visit our Custom Work Page .

The letters A.J.M on the disk are for Albert J Myer, the inventor and Chief Signal Officer of the Union Army. His system was called Flag Telegraphy or wigwag.

Made in the USA - Hudson, FL

You can also Contact us with your questions , we love questions!

Please click the link for detailed instruction on how to use the Union Army Cipher .


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